Please mail your postcard to the address below and submit a digital version on this website by November 15, 2022.
P.O. Box 51218
Durham, NC 27717
Submissions are welcome from anyone regardless of gender identity, age, race, religion, background, and location.
The medium of your story is your choice: narrative, poetry, visual art, needlepoint, collage, etc. The only limitation is that all submissions must arrive via postcard.
We strongly encourage all postcards be submitted via both United States Postal Service and digitally on this website. To get a digital version of your postcard, either take a photo with your phone or use a scanner app like “Tiny Scan.”
Contact information, should you choose to share it, will remain confidential. We will use this information to contact you individually about any future possibilities of participation in this project.
All postcards must be postmarked or digitally submitted by November 15, 2022.